With recruitment right around the corner our officers decided to share some of their recruitment experiences. Its hard to believe we were all once PNMs. Through the inevitable ups and downs we all found our home at Tri Delta. Recruitment can be a very intimidating process so we are here to let you know it's going to be ok. We have all been through it and we promise you will survive. Everything truly does happen for a reason, and recruitment is the best example of that.
|| Question 1 ||
What is one piece of advice you would give a PNM before starting recruitment?

"Relax and have fun with the process! The girls rushing you in every sorority are just as nervous (or even more nervous) than you are as a PNM. Keep this in mind when you're talking to the girls in each house and don't try too hard to impress them. Just be yourself! If you are comfortable then they will be too. You will make better connections and get a better feel for which house you feel the strongest connection with." Kathryn Hennon, Sponorship Chair
"These next four years are going to be some of the most incredible in your life. You will grow and learn so much . No one can take the excitement out of these next four years regardless of the sorority you join. So just take a deep breathe and relax. You will find your home no matter what inevitable bumps in the road you face. This process should be so positive, and that starts with your attitude. Be optimistic and I promise this process will work for you!!" Kaity Edelmann, VP of Public Relations
|| Question 2 ||
What is something embarrassing or funny that happened to you during your recruitment experience?

"I absolutely loved recruitment, and it was through my embarrassing experiences that I was able to show the houses who I really was. It is about as simple as it gets… I am a klutz and I tend to make uncomfortable situations pretty awkward. In one house they gave me a cup of water and I was too nervous to actually drink it. Instead, I gripped the cup as tight as I could until it broke into four pieces and drenched my white dress in the water. The worst part about it was I didn’t know how to tell the girl what had happened. I just continued my conversation with a soaking wet lap."
-Sarah Walker, Chapter President
"The first day of recruitment I jumped off of this wall/ledge and scraped my butt. I couldn't see the scratch myself so my Pi Chi had to put a band aid on my butt in front of a ton of other PMNs. I also almost got hit by a car running to a party in the pouring rain." Caroline Maloney, Reference Chair
|| Question 3 ||
When and how did you know Tri Delta is where you belonged?
"Tri Delta was my first house on the first day of the first round. I knew at that exact moment it was where I belonged. It sounds cliche, but I immediately felt so incredibly comfortable. No other house could measure up after that. I could not get the feeling I had in Tri Delta out of my head. I still continued to keep an open mind throughout the process even though I knew where my heart was. Tri Delta is just were I always fit best." Julia Flowers, Continuing Education
"Sitting in the Tri Delta House during philanthropy round I knew in my heart that I wanted to be a part of this sorority. We have the most incredible philanthropy, St Jude, and I am so proud to be part of this organization." Victoria Jung, Treasurer
"It is hard to pin point exactly when I knew that Tri Delta was the house for me. I think subconsciously I knew the entire time, but did not realize it until pref round. During pref round it finally clicked that it was meant to be. I felt so comfortable and relaxed and couldn't stop smiling. In the other house that I visited during pref round, although I liked it a lot, I kept thinking about Tri Delta and my conversations with the Tri Delta girls. I could barely focus in the other house because I couldn't get Tri Delta out of my mind. I knew at this point where I was meant to be." Kathryn Hennon, Sponorship Chair
|| Question 4 ||
How has Tri Delta impacted your college experience at the University of South Carolina?
"Joining Tri Delta has surrounded me with women who both push and inspire me to be the best version of myself. From the start, I connected with older girls who were mentors to me as I navigated the transition and craziness of college. These girls show me selfless love every single day in the way they pour into others, and it inspires and refreshes me constantly! I could not be more thankful for sisters who both call me to a higher standard and walk alongside me every step of the way." Kristin Stitzlein, Panhellenic Delegate

"Joining Tri Delta has pushed me to get involved in the community and connect with others. It has given me a support network that I really needed my freshman year and one that I know I will treasure for the rest of my life. Joining Tri Delta has inspired me to become a leader and to strive to be my best self every day." Maddie Renners, House Manager
"Joining Tri Delta has been the best decision I have made in my life. I say this with certainty because it has allowed me to meet my lifelong best friends. I know that the friends I have made through this sorority will be my bridesmaids, will be "aunts" to my kids, and will keep in contact with me throughout my life no matter how far away we may live from each other. The friends I have made are not just "surface-level" friends that I may have met prior to college. These are the girls that know me inside and out and will stick by me and support me no matter what comes our way. Our friendships have already shown to be true through tragedies, heartbreak, celebrations, and achievements that we all have gone through in the past two years since becoming sisters." Kathryn Hennon, Sponorship Chair
|| Question 5 ||
What is the best part of our sisterhood?
"My favorite aspect of our sisterhood is how positive and genuine our sisters are. I feel like we are always trying to lift each other up during the good and the bad times. I love how we have delta only events, since that really helps me to bond and feel a different level of connectedness with my sisters, and I love how our chapter makes you feel important and valued." Maddie Renners, House Manager
"My favorite aspect of the sisterhood we have in Tri Delta is how random we all are! I have met some of the weirdest, funniest, smartest and nicest people through Tri Delta. No two members are just alike. We are all so different and I think that makes us so great!" Caroline Maloney, Reference Chair
"I love Tri Delta because of all the amazing people it has brought into my life. Each member is such a genuine, driven and incredible woman. Everyone has something that makes them so special in this chapter. Each member is so valuable, and Tri Delta would not be the same without them." Olivia Hatch, VP of Membership
|| Question 4 ||
How has Tri Delta impacted your college experience at the University of South Carolina?
"Joining Tri Delta has surrounded me with women who both push and inspire me to be the best version of myself. From the start, I connected with older girls who were mentors to me as I navigated the transition and craziness of college. These girls show me selfless love every single day in the way they pour into others, and it inspires and refreshes me constantly! I could not be more thankful for sisters who both call me to a higher standard and walk alongside me every step of the way." Kristin Stitzlein, Panhellenic Delegate

"Joining Tri Delta has pushed me to get involved in the community and connect with others. It has given me a support network that I really needed my freshman year and one that I know I will treasure for the rest of my life. Joining Tri Delta has inspired me to become a leader and to strive to be my best self every day." Maddie Renners, House Manager
"Joining Tri Delta has been the best decision I have made in my life. I say this with certainty because it has allowed me to meet my lifelong best friends. I know that the friends I have made through this sorority will be my bridesmaids, will be "aunts" to my kids, and will keep in contact with me throughout my life no matter how far away we may live from each other. The friends I have made are not just "surface-level" friends that I may have met prior to college. These are the girls that know me inside and out and will stick by me and support me no matter what comes our way. Our friendships have already shown to be true through tragedies, heartbreak, celebrations, and achievements that we all have gone through in the past two years since becoming sisters." Kathryn Hennon, Sponorship Chair
|| Question 5 ||
What is the best part of our sisterhood?
"My favorite aspect of our sisterhood is how positive and genuine our sisters are. I feel like we are always trying to lift each other up during the good and the bad times. I love how we have delta only events, since that really helps me to bond and feel a different level of connectedness with my sisters, and I love how our chapter makes you feel important and valued." Maddie Renners, House Manager

"I love Tri Delta because of all the amazing people it has brought into my life. Each member is such a genuine, driven and incredible woman. Everyone has something that makes them so special in this chapter. Each member is so valuable, and Tri Delta would not be the same without them." Olivia Hatch, VP of Membership
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