Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sister Spotlight: Camille Fishback: Quelques Perles

"Hey y'all! My name is Camille Fishback and I’m a senior Tri Delta at USC majoring in Marine Science with an emphasis in biology.

Here’s a little background to this story. I grew up in a VERY artistically dedicated family–many thanks to my mother. There are paintings all over my house that she created when she was my age. As a mom, she dedicates much of her creativity to my sister and me. She would send us to school in dresses and scarves she made for us, always hand-makes each Christmas card she sends, and has a sewing machine she can connect to her computer to design special things she wants to sew. I even went to sewing camp when I was in elementary school (you can’t make this stuff up), which actually really comes in handy now. I ran my own jewelry store out of my locker in middle school called ‘beadz n thingz,’ my main customers were my teachers and mom (thanks for that by the way). So nonetheless, I grew up surrounded by arts and crafts. My point is that making clothing and jewelry is not a foreign concept to me.

A couple months ago, a beautiful necklace with tassels and beads that one of my girlfriends was wearing really caught my eye. When I asked her where she got it, my jaw dropped when she told me that it cost her $150. For us college kids, $150 is a huge chunk of money to dole out for a piece of jewelry. After thinking about it, I felt I could easily replicate the necklace. I came home to Kentucky a couple of weeks later with that necklace still in mind, and I asked my mom if she knew how to make tassels. The response was a smirk and she sent me into the arts and crafts room (yes, we have an arts and crafts room). She showed me an easy technique that I could use to make the tassels, and then I went to a local bead shop to pick up the rest of the materials.

I sat down, excited to begin a new project, and created the necklace myself. Anxious to show off my new design, I wore my necklace around and was surprised at how many compliments I received. I decided to share the jewelry on an Instagram account and try to sell it. I began the account while I was home in May, and I could hardly contain my excitement. My little sister and I were talking about different designs when she then asked me whom it was benefitting. I responded, “Well, I guess myself.” She then told me that if I were going to be making money off of something, it would make it even more special if I used it to help out a cause. I thought about it for a second, realizing how insightful my 16-year-old sister was, and decided that I would donate a portion of the proceeds to the Humane Society of America, a cause that is very near and dear to me. Animals have always had a soft spot in my heart, which is one of the reasons I am studying marine biology. The humane society is also someplace very close to me; I’ve done a lot of community service there and enjoyed every moment. This was an obvious decision for me to choose the Humane Society for which I am so passionate in helping.

Once I told my sorority sisters I created this account, I immediately gained so many followers and had orders coming in like crazy. I was ecstatic about all the newfound support, and that my passion for making jewelry was seen by all of my friends. The encouragement they gave me was unbelievable. I went into this idea not thinking that I would have the support that I needed and this plan might just fall through. Suddenly, many of my friends were writing in their blog about my jewelry, endorsing Quelques Perles to others via social media, and even sending me ideas of creations. The encouragement and motivation they demonstrated gave me the confidence I needed in order to get on the right track and stay dedicated to my new goal.

I don’t think my mom, my biological sister, or my sorority sisters realize how much of an impact they have had on me in regards to Quelques Perles. Without their help, I wouldn’t have gained the inspiration and motivation I truly needed to keep pursuing my hobby. I hope if yall are reading this now, you’ll learn my appreciation for everything you have done. If any of you who are reading this have a hobby that could turn into something more, don’t let anything hold you back. You have your family and your sisters there to help!

Each necklace is handcrafted by yours truly, and can be shipped anywhere. Necklaces range from $25 to $35. They include an assortment from tassels, pendants, arrowheads outlined with gold, and stones outlined with gold. Please follow my Instagram account @quelques_perles and Facebook page - And search around for the perfect piece for yourself or to give as a gift!

DL and all of mine,
Camille Fishback"

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